Nominal law and Ramz generator
The intelligible space
consider an intelijgible sequence of characters (letters, symbols and digits).
each chaeacter has a numeric value in respect of ot's alphanumeric dimension, which is considered relarively to the position orden of character in the sequence.
the set of the alphanumerical dimmensioned character in the decimal system is graphicaly represented in tri-dimentional space, each one of the three axis space (orthogonal) is represented by 4 colonear vectors equals to the unit (1), so then the definition domain is 4 powred 3 = 64, which is the number of the positions considered by Ramz-space as the period of length of any Ramz-chain (digits or bytes).
Different values of characters relatively to their position in a 64 characters chain is tabulated.
This law can be translated in Basic langage by the following instructions :
LSET and the fuctions VAL(N$) and STR$(N).
let a1,a2,a3,a4,............... a4 be a chain; so we can write :
LSET N$ = (a1+a2+a3+a4+....ak)
VAL(N$) = VAL(a1)+VAL(a2)+.......... + VAL(ak)
STR$(N) = N
We know that the function VAL($) can restitute the numerical typ to chain that the STR$ function can converts the numeric datas into a chain of characters.
Principle : Ramz I is a trial to the notion of the evolued langage providing to the very known rarety of univoc definition of algorithms of Mr IVERSON the APL creator who fas recognized that neither the english langage and nor of the mathematical notations can provide to the full task of the universal criterium of the inteligible space.
In Ramz I, the way of the affectation ------- whom sens from the right to left is not a technical constraint, but it is a fundamental inteligible movement.
Ramz I considers also time as corresponding to the following :
7/7 6/7 5/7 4/7 3/7 2/7 1/7
grad degree unit second third quart quint
Ramz I considers also the inteligible poundered space as :
---- -----
OX = 1135 OY = 1912
---- -----
OX' = 1590 OY' = 1359
Thus from those two considerations and to others, Ramz considers that time is not uniform and space is anisotrop.
Alphanumeric variable :
Let L be a set of 28 letters @1,@2,@3.................@28
Ramz I considers a correspondence between those letters and two codes, the first goes from 1 to 28, the second from 1 to 1000.
the first code represents the position into the alphabetical classement, the second represents the alphanumeric dimension so for Ramz, an alphanumeric variable represents both a letter and a number which is the Ramz dimension.
Matricial coordinates represent any alphanumeric chain in a magic square were the diagonal is equal to the lune and to the column, these matrices are of the form of 3x3,4x4,5x5,6x6,7x7,8x8 and 9x9, the range is a function of N mod(7).
Ramz time coordinates, is a recursivity, generating programs from the different coordinates, it's a kind of sideral clock in which a name of a program can be stored, and called automatically when the internal clock is updated it is corresponding to the agent notion which can be considered as a logical machine able ti execute the deatails of the programs, it's in relation with letters duration, which is tabulated for 12 hours
( in cyclic system and movement).
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